Privacy policy and general conditions


The following privacy policy regulates the use by ITLAS srl Benefit Society, of all information regarding personal data and other information that ITLAS srl Benefit Society gathers or receives, included those related to the utilization of ITLAS srl Benefit Society’s products and services by the user in the past. The words “data” and “information” include personal data of identity of the user, such as name, address, e-mail address or phone number which may not be openly available in other ways. When possible, ITLAS srl Benefit Society openly declares the use of the user’s personal identity data within the privacy policy. All other data remain anonymous or are used in the form of pseudonym.

The Privacy policy supplies also information about cookies, their use by ITLAS srl Benefit Society and by other subjects, as well as information regarding their deactivation procedure. This Privacy policy does not apply to practices carried out by companies not owned or controlled by ITLAS srl Benefit Society, or by subjects not employed or managed by ITLAS srl Benefit Society. Moreover, some of the companies acquired by ITLAS srl Benefit Society have their own pre-existing privacy policies.


ITLAS srl Benefit Society collects personal data information when the user subscribes to create an account ITLAS srl Benefit Society, when he/she uses certain products or services supplied by ITLAS srl Benefit Society, takes part in promotions or competitions and visits the pages of ITLAS srl Benefit Society or those of specific partners beyond the network of websites of the brand ITLAS srl Benefit Society. ITLAS srl Benefit Society can combine the user’s personal data it possesses (including the information related to personal identification) with those obtained through business partners or other societies. When the user subscribes on ITLAS srl Benefit Society, ITLAS srl Benefit Society asks the user to provide information regarding personal identity, such as name, address, e-mail address, date of birth, sex, zip code, job, sector of activity and personal interests. ITLAS srl Benefit Society collects information regarding transactions made by the user with us and with some of our business partners, including those regarding the use of our products and financial service by the user. ITLAS srl Benefit Society automatically receives and registers on its server’s logs data coming from the user’s browser, such as IP address, information collected by ITLAS srl Benefit Society’s cookies, the characteristics of software, hardware and the page requested by the user. Once the user completes the registration with ITLAS srl Benefit Society and logs in our services, he/she is no longer anonymous, and the related data are connected to the corresponding account. ITLAS srl Benefit Society uses such information (including those supplied as anonymous or pseudonym, as well as the personal data) for the following general purposes: customizing ads and contents visioned by the user, satisfying the user’s requests as for products and services, improving our services, contacting the user if needed, making surveys and elaborating anonymous reports for internal and external customers. ITLAS srl Benefit

Society can transfer the user’s information (except those of personal identity) for the purposes listed above to other companies belonging to the group ITLAS srl Benefit Society worldwide and they will be entitled to use such information for the same purposes.


ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society does not rent, sell or share information related to the user (including personal identity information) with other people or companies not belonging or related to the group, except for offering products or services upon request of the user and only after receiving his/her consent, or under the following circumstances: we supply information to reliable partners who work on behalf of or with ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society, respecting the confidentiality agreement. The above-mentioned partners, having obtained the consent from the user, could use such data to help ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society in communicating to the user special offers promoted by ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society or by our marketing partners. However, the above-mentioned companies are not allowed to share such information on their own. To comply with orders coming from judicial bodies or expressed with legal proceedings, as well as any legitimate request coming from authorities, or to exercise our rights to defend ourselves against legal proceedings. We believe it is necessary to share such information for investigative purposes, for prevention or countering illegal activities, suspected frauds, situations potentially dangerous for the safety of people, violations of our terms of use or in any case that is requested by law. ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society reserves the right to transfer information about the user if it acquires, will be acquired or merged with another company. In this case, ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society will inform the user before his/her data will be transferred and will be used according to another privacy policy. ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society views customized ads based on data and information provided anonymously or under pseudonym; moreover, ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society can view ads that are customized according to personal identity data. The advertisers (including Ad serving companies) could assume that people interact, view or click on certain customized ads according to the adopted customization criteria (i.e. women of age between 18 and 24 living in a specific area). When the user views or interact with a customized ad, ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society does not supply any personal identity information about the advertiser. However, the user, by interacting with or viewing a certain ad, accepts the possibility that the advertiser could assume that the user complies to the customization criteria adopted for viewing the ad.

BROWSING DATA The computer systems and the software procedures underlying this website will acquire, during their functioning, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. Such information are not collected to be associated with identified interests, but for their same nature could, through elaborations and data possessed by others, allow the identification of the users. In this category we find IP address or domain names of the users who enter the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in placing the request to the server, the dimension of the file

obtained as answer, the numeric code indicating the state of the answer provided by the server (successful, error, etc..) and other parameters related to the operating system and the computer environment of the user. These data are used only to get anonymous statistic information about the use of the website and to check its correct functioning, and they are cancelled soon after their elaboration. The data could be used for liability assessment in case of hypothetical crimes against the website.

DATA PROVIDED VOLUNTARILY BY USERS The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of emails to the addresses mentioned in this website implies the acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to answer the requests, and of the personal data, if any, included in the mail. Synthetic summary information will be progressively reported or viewed in those pages of the site that are arranged for particular services. The subscription to the newsletter is voluntary and it implies the consent to receiving promotional communications by ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society.

Cookies are data files sent by the browser as soon as we enter a website.

These files are generally used to keep trace of the settings (browsing preferences in the site), to monitor the number of visits, the way of use and in some cases for advertisement.

Further information on cookies are available in wikipedia or

The cookies used in this website are:
– PHPSESSID: first-party technical cookie specifically developed for the website, to memorize preferences and navigation settings;
– _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz, _utmt: third-party cookie to record statistics of access to the site in anonymous and aggregated mode via google analytics (*)
(further information below).
Buttons social network/embedded video: the site includes buttons for the sharing on the main social network platforms, google maps and embedded videos loaded for example from Interaction (click) with these tools may involve the installation of third-party cookies that can be used by the relevant companies also for advertising purposes. To receive adequate information regarding these services, we invite you to consult the following pages: twitter / google products: youtube, google+, google maps / facebook / pinterest / youtube / vimeo.

(*) This website uses Google Analytics, a web-analysis service supplied by Google,
Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses some cookies, which are text files stored on your computer to help the website analyse the way in which users use the site. The information generated by cookies on Your use of the website (including Your IP address) will be transmitted to and store on Google’s servers in the United States. Google will use this information to trace and evaluate Your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity for websites operators and to supply other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google could also transfer this information to third parties when required

by the law or if these third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate Your IP address with any other data held by Google. You can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the right setting on your browser, but this may prevent you from use all the functions of this website. By using this website, you allow the processing of Your data by Google according to the manner and purposes above mentioned.

Click here for further information

(*) This website uses Facebook Pixel, this Application may require some Facebook permissions that allow it to carry out actions with the User’s Facebook account and to collect information, including Personal Data, from it. This service allows this Application to connect with the User’s account on the social network Facebook, supplied by Facebook Inc. For further information on the following permissions, please refer to Facebook permissions documentation ( and to Facebook privacy policy (

The requested permissions are:
Basic information
The basic information upon the User that is registered on Facebook, which generally include the following Data: id, name, picture, gender, localization language and, in some cases, Facebook “Friends”. If the User made other Data public, they will be available.

Settings and removals
By using this website, you agree on the use of cookies in the above-mentioned ways. If you do not accet such conditions you can disable cookies through your browser or not use this product.
Here how to disable cookies on Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera. Here how to disable only google analytics.
Further information about removal and disabling on

The information related to the account ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society, marketing preferences

included, can be changed any time. It is possible, from time to time, to update marketing preferences adding new communication categories. The user who visits this page can choose not to receive future commercial communications related to the mentioned categories or to cancel his/her subscription following the instructions provided by the received messages. ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society reserves the right to send to the user communications such as service or administrative messages and other communications related to ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society’s services. The user cannot decide whether to receive such communications or not.


ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society limits the access to the user’s data to those employees who, according to its opinion and within reasonable limits need to use them with to supply

products or services to the user or to fulfil their job duties. To protect the user’s data ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society has adopted several physical, electronic and procedural security devices, in compliance with the legal obligations for the protection of such data.

A publicly accessible area is any area within ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society’s network that is accessible to the public or indexed by search engines. The user must be duly cautious in revealing personal identification information in the above-mentioned areas; in fact, such information could remain in the publicly accessible areas of the Service for an indefinite time. Moreover, according to the specific Service that is chosen, it is possible for other users to see collectively two or more individual posts of the user. The user is the sole responsible of any information he /she revealed and spread in the publicly accessible areas.

ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society reserves the right to change the present policy whenever needed. In case substantial changes in the use of the user’s data will occur, ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society will inform the user by sending a communication to the e-mail address provided as main address in his/her account or by publishing it with maximum visibility on its pages.

ITLAS S.r.l. Società Benefit
Via del Lavoro, 35 – Z. Ind.le
31016 Cordignano – Treviso
C.F. e n. Iscr. R.I. Treviso 02134200266 – MECCANOGRAFICO TV 019422
P.IVA IT 02134200266 – R.E.A. Treviso n. 190888 – Capitale Sociale € 540.600.00 Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento da parte di Labor Legno S.r.l. con sede in Cordignano (TV) Via del Lavoro, 6 C.F. e n. Iscr. R.I. Treviso 01123890269

The Customer with the acceptance of the order confirmation unconditionally accepts and undertakes to observe in his dealings with the Supplier these general conditions declaring that he has read and accepted them and declaring that he has read and accepted the technical notes, selection criteria and information sheets of the products ordered contained in the price list. Any deviating provisions and/or ways that the general conditions will be effective only if expressly accepted and approved in writing by the parties. The general conditions, technical notes, selection criteria and product information sheets contained in the price list must be reviewed by the Customer, prior to placing an order, in the current price list, hard copy and/or online. Sending an order therefore implies full knowledge of these general conditions, technical notes, selection criteria and product information sheets and their full acceptance. The Customer provides for the choice of products to be ordered by consulting the selection criteria, technical notes and product information sheets in the price list in force and is therefore solely responsible for the choice of products.

The current sales price list is reserved exclusively for Customers of ITLAS S.r.l. products. Benefit Society; it cancels and replaces previous price lists and in no case constitutes an offer to the public. The special characteristics of the products indicated in the technical notes or product information sheets contained in the price list or in brochures, catalogs or similar documents shall be binding only to the extent that they have been expressly referred to in the individual orders. All product-related printed matter shall remain the exclusive property of ITLAS S.r.l. Benefit Society and shall be promptly returned upon the latter’s simple request. Reproduction, even in part, of the price list, brochures, catalogs or other similar documents, as well as advertising of ITLAS S.r.l. products is prohibited. Benefit Society unless previously and expressly authorized.

Orders, order confirmations and any other communication between the Supplier and the Customer shall be considered regularly formalized and valid if executed by registered letter with return receipt, by registered mail by hand and/or by fax communication. The order confirmations sent by the Supplier to the Customer are valid and ef cacy for 3 (three) working days starting from the day following the day of their receipt and expire at midnight of the third day; if the order confirmation rmitted by the Customer is not returned within the aforesaid term, the same will be considered by the Supplier as cancelled and devoid of any ef cacy and validity. The Supplier reserves the right to accept order confirmations returned after the expiration of the period referred to in the preceding paragraph and to consider it for all purposes valid and ef c ective. Orders, including negotiated or proposed orders, received by the Supplier from the Customer shall be deemed de nitive only if accepted by the Supplier with the sending of the order confirmation and/or with the delivery of the product to the first carrier. Assuming acceptance with modi cation by the Supplier, the modi cated order must be confirmed by the Customer. The order must be complete in all its parts with a description of the product, indicating quantity, item, etc.

Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, prices are for delivery ex Supplier’s plant. The prices indicated in the price list are all exclusive of VAT. Packaging, transportation, stamp duty, bank charges and charges of any kind are to be understood, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, to be borne by the Customer. The prices contained in the price list can never be considered binding for the Supplier; in fact, the Supplier may change the prices at any time, with 15 (fifteen) days written notice.

Should additional charges and costs occur before the due date for each delivery due to changes in the cost of raw materials, labor, transportation, customs charges and duties and stopovers, and the like, the Supplier expressly reserves the right to adjust prices, even if they have already been confirmed, and in any case to a maximum amount of eight percent (8%). 5. Uniformity of Products. The conformity of the products to the description of the products contained in the technical notes, selection criteria, information sheets and any samples, photographs and/or illustrations presented to the Customer shall not be considered as peremptory, but purely indicative. Products are guaranteed with the following mandatory conditions of use: ambient humidity, at 20° C. temperature, not less

than 45% (forty-five percent) and not more than 65% (sixty-five percent). In the case of completion of orders that have already been partially fulfilled or in the case of subsequent orders, there may be differences in shades, aesthetic differences and variations in the construction details of the products, which shall not be grounds for disputes and their return. In particular, light, steam and other factors characteristic of the environment may result in color variability such that even elements purchased at different times cannot be perfectly matched.

Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, deliveries are to be understood as “ex works” Supplier, even in the event that the parties agree that transportation, in whole or in part, is organized by Supplier itself. In any case, whatever the delivery terms agreed upon by the parties, the goods travel for the account and risk of the Customer from the moment of delivery to the first carrier. At the time of delivery, the Customer has the obligation to examine and veri ed the goods delivered and, in particular, has the obligation to check and ascertain the integrity of the packages, boxes and material and to veri ed the number of packages, scales and quantity of material. The Customer must, under penalty of forfeiture, formalize in all copies of the TD any disputes with specification of the subject matter of the dispute. Any acceptance with reservation or with similar wording (subject to control, etc.) affixed to the copies of the T.D.D. shall have no effect and the goods shall be deemed accepted. The Customer must, under penalty of forfeiture, transmit to the Supplier, even by fax communication, a copy of the T.D.D. with the dispute within 3 (three) working days from the date of delivery of the products. It shall be the Customer’s burden to take action against the carrier for any shortages, delays, damages, etc., even in the event that the transport was arranged by the Supplier; the Supplier undertakes to assign to the Customer and allow its subrogation in any right and/or action against the carrier.

Delivery terms are to be considered non-essential and as such do not bind the Supplier. In any case, the Customer shall not be entitled to any indemnity and/or compensation and/or compensation for any direct or indirect damages suffered due to delivery delays.

Upon the occurrence of force majeure events beyond the Supplier’s control, such as, purely by way of example, strikes of any kind, natural or calamitous events, shortage or scarcity or delays in the delivery of raw materials, breakdowns in the Supplier’s production facilities, government measures, or those of any other entity, new scali or non scali encumbrances, which may limit or delay supplies of raw materials and otherwise aggravate the agreed terms, and other impediments beyond Supplier’s control that make delivery temporarily impossible or excessively burdensome, the delivery period shall be suspended pending the impediment and then extended for a period equal to the duration of the impediment. In such a case, the Supplier, having become aware of the impediment, will notify the Customer of its existence within a reasonable period of time and where this is not implicit in the type of impediment, its probable effects on the obligation to deliver. In any event, the Customer shall not be entitled to any indemnity, compensation and/or damages for the delay in delivery.

Payment must be made exclusively to the Supplier under the agreed terms and conditions. In the event of claims, complaints and/or disputes of any kind, the Customer has no right to suspend or otherwise delay payments for the products subject to claims, complaints and/or disputes and the related order or subject to other different orders. In the event of non-payment, even of a single installment and / or news of a state of insolvency of the Customer, such as, by way of example, its registration in CAI, the Customer forfeits ex art.1186 c.c. from the good cio from the term and must provide within the day following that of communication of the forfeiture of the term to the full payment of the balance of the price of the supply. The forfeiture of the term will be communicated by the Supplier to the Customer by written notice, including by fax communication. Failure to pay in the term referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Supplier reserves the right to suspend the supply of products no to the full payment of the price and / or the provision of bank guarantee, on first demand, without benefit of enforcement. The Supplier reserves the right, in the event of non-payment of a single installment and/or news related to a state of insolvency of the Customer, such as, by way of example, its registration in CAI, to withdraw from the contract; the withdrawal will be formalized by written notice, including by fax, to the Customer and the Supplier will be entitled to compensation for all damages suffered and will retain, without prejudice to the right to compensation for further damages, the sums paid as a deposit and/or down payment. In the event that the Customer for a supply is in arrears in the payment of even a single installment and/or in the event of news related to the state of insolvency of the Customer, such as its registration in CAI, the Supplier reserves the right to unilaterally modi cate the terms of payment provided for other supplies and/or to suspend the execution of other supplies no to the full payment of the balance of the price and/or the provision of bank guarantee, on first demand, without benefit of enforcement. This provision shall also apply in the event that the non-payment of even a single installment relates to supply in place with companies other than the Supplier, but related to the same and, in any case, belonging to the same group, such as Labor Legno Srl.

The Supplier reserves the right to make with respect to the data of the products indicated in the price lists, catalogs and/or those advertised all the technical and aesthetic modi that it deems appropriate or necessary with the exclusion of any right of the Customer to raise objections and/or to terminate orders and/or to have indemnities and/or compensation for direct and/or indirect damages.

The conclusion, validity, effectiveness, termination, interpretation and execution of the supply contract are governed by Italian law. All disputes arising from the application, execution, termination, cancellation, ineffectiveness and interpretation of the contract between Supplier and Customer shall be subject to Italian jurisdiction and to the exclusive jurisdiction for territory of the Court of Treviso. The exclusive jurisdiction for territory of the Court of Treviso shall also operate for any summonses to sue the Supplier made by the Customer in judgments brought by third parties.

Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and subsequent modalities that, the personal personal data and tax data relating to the

contractual parties will be mutually processed by them, in electronic or paper format, to allow an effective management of the business relationship, including for the purposes of credit protection. Without prejudice to the communications required by legal obligations, the data may be communicated by each of them to subjects such as: credit institutions, consultants and professionals, insurance companies, companies operating in the transport sector, etc. For the same purposes, the data may become known to the categories of data processors who, within the corporate structures of each of the parties, operate in the commercial, administrative area. The parties have also mutually communicated to each other the names of any data processors designated by each. By signing these general conditions, the parties express their mutual consent to the processing of their respective own data.

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