
Transition away. Stop to fossil fuels within 2050

Transition away. This is the key word of Cop28, the latest UN Climate Change Conference ended on December 28 in Dubai. These have been the words most used, those that have been liked most (the others, the gradual elimination, had created a tug-of-war situation that could have brought the summit to its failure) during negotiations, those that have attracted the attention of the audience, above all the big States and environmentalists.

Eventually, at the end of yet another night marathon (something we got used to in this conference) an agreement has been reached: within 2050 fossil fuels must be banned. Gradually, starting already from this decade – but it will be a transition away, to keep up with the goal of granting a future to the planet: + 1,5 °C.

An agreement approved unanimously and defined as “historic” by the oilman who led Cop28, Sultan Al Jaber, who said, as soon as the marathon ended: “I am proud; for the first time ever we have a common language for the exit from fossil fuels.”

But what is the content of the agreement reached in the Emirates after two weeks of intense negotiations?

First, there is the commitment of all governments to triple within 2030 renewable energy capacity on a global scale and to double the yearly rate of energy efficiency improvements. 

Second pledge: gradually decrease of unabated coal power, accelerating within 2050 the efforts towards zero emission energetic systems thanks to zero- or low-carbon fuels.

Coop28 committed to get out of fossil fuels with the aim of reaching net zero by 2050. The document also states that this transition should be carried out in a just, orderly, and equitable manner.

Another point is the pledge to move quickly towards zero or low emissions technologies: renewable energies, nuclear, abatement and removal technologies. Acceleration of actions aimed at reduction, within 2030, of gas emissions and of those coming from road traffic, planning the development of infrastructure and a quick spread of zero or low emissions vehicles. Last but not least: the pledge to gradual cancelation of subsides for fossil fuels.

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