
Massimiliano Ossini live with ITLAS

TV host Massimiliano Ossini, host of the second Live on Itlas' Instagram. "We have to change strategy if we really want to take advantage of this moment. Greener cities, quality Made in Italy products and a lifestyle that can raise our immune defences"

"Let's start again by trying to change strategy, taking advantage of this negative moment to rethink a greener life, in which our Italian product becomes the real protagonist." This was stated by TV presenter Massimiliano Ossini, host of the second live episode on the Itlas Instagram platform.

Interviewed by Patrizio Dei Tos, the company's founder and managing director, Ossini ranged over many topics. Starting with his great passion for the mountains - which he has also put down on paper in his two published books, "Kalipé, the spirit of the mountain" and "Kalipé, the path of simplicity" - which means physical effort but also inner training from which to draw positive energy. "Smell the scents, listen to the silence. This is the mountain," explained the presenter, who went on to tell how he experienced and is experiencing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. "There is a positive part, because during this time I was able to enjoy my children in all the simplest situations, from waking up together in the morning to doing homework. Something that in the normality of my daily life was impossible for me". But there is also a downside. Ossini points the finger at a state from which he says he would have expected more. "Some of the measures taken are right, but the total blockade of the industrial system brings with it great difficulties in restarting. This leaves me perplexed and I believe, - he argues, - that it would have been more appropriate to keep the locomotive running, albeit slowly".

Linea Verde, Linea Bianca, Uno Mattina Verde, Geo&Geo. Many are the television programmes with which Massimiliano Ossini has entered Italian homes and made himself known and appreciated, bringing nature to the general public. A positive and smiling spirit who, even in these difficult times, always manages to see the glass half full.

"I am convinced that this period should be used to change strategy in the awareness of the choices of our future. A future that must be green, rethinking what we want for our cities. A life with lots of wood, with all the benefits that brings. A life with less shopping, but of great quality like our Italian products". This, according to Ossini, should be the starting point for the country's economy.

Conscious choices that must also concern lifestyle. And he closes with a reflection that is something of an appeal, addressed to all. "The vast majority of those who have fallen ill and, unfortunately, those who have lost their lives to this virus had previous pathologies linked precisely to inadequate lifestyles. Let us start thinking about it, because only by raising our immune defences will we be able to put our organism in a position to respond appropriately".

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