
ITLAS – Sustainability Report 2022

The fourth edition of ITLAS Benefit Society's Sustainability Report has been published, with reporting for the year 2022. Numbers and actions that tell and demonstrate what and how the company led by Patrizio Dei Tos is addressing ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) issues.

Those interested in consulting and reading can find the document on the company's official website at

"I am deeply convinced that if an entrepreneur wants to succeed in giving perspective to his work, he must have the concept of sustainability within him. So much so that when, a few decades ago now, I chose to abandon my adventure in Africa and investment in exotic woods to bet on our forests, mine was a decision made with both mind and heart. It was an economically successful choice, but it was mainly so in social and environmental aspects." This is stated by the president and founder of ITLAS SB himself in his letter to stakeholders introducing the new Budget.

Dei Tos adds, "That path that began in 1988, today is a road that can be traveled only thanks to a shared common work of knowledge and experience: we know where we have to go, but it is necessary to be consistent and solid in pursuing the main challenges and opportunities that we have set in our objectives, to continue to seek an improvement made of small but relevant steps in every aspect of social, environmental and economic responsibility"

Among the various chapters and themes of which the document is composed, particular relevance is assumed by the company's choice to give more and more space to stakeholders in the decision-making process: internal and external stakeholders are directly involved and consulted through in-depth and dedicated focuses, participated in with great interest and with fundamental input in the analysis of critical issues and the contribution of new ideas on which to orient the present and future of ITLAS SB.

In addition, with a view to dual materiality and in particular for the strengthening of processes to identify and manage the risks I derive from the ESG factors to which it is exposed, the company in 2022 carried out a more detailed analysis of the material issues indicated in the materiality matrix, dividing them into three macro-categories: Environment, Social Scope and Governance.

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