
ISPRA: new monitoring stations of the tides in the lagoons of Northern Adriatic

Nine stations for monitoring the sea level and the weather conditions of the lagoons of Venice and Marano Grado will be installed within this year. Actual lagoons caretakers surveying high waves, foreseeing extreme events and high tides, relating with the Mose system, they have been installed on June 8, the day when oceans are celebrated all over the world.

The initiative has been promoted by Ispra to improve its Mareograph network in the lagoons of Venice and of Northern Adriatic, within the MER (Marine Ecosystem Restoration) Project, funded by the Pnrr (National Recovery and Resilience Plan).

The project includes five new sensors for measuring the sea level, six radar wavemeters, three barometers and twelve new UHF (Ultra High Frequency) radio transmitting systems; it will grant the management and maintenance of all the 29 meteorological-tidal stations that are already working in the lagoons of Venice and of Northern Adriatic. The outcoming data are immediately published on the Institute’s website and shared with the operations rooms of the civil defence functional centres on the territory. 

Today, in the stretch of coast between Trieste, Venice and the Po delta – the area that is most exposed to the tides’ daily excursions and extreme high-water events – the state of the sea and of the main lagoon environments is strictly monitored.

 Thanks to the new stations, attention will be even more serious and punctual.

Among the stations of the Mareograph Network of Venice and Northern Adriatic lagoons one is historic – it is the one installed at Punta della Salute, in Venice, more than one hundred years ago. A century of history and of measurements, which are a strategic scientific base for long-term analysis and for the evaluation of climate changes, as well as for the safeguard of the city itself.

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