Goals and responsibilities: this is how the way of doing business changes

Never before has the word “sustainability “entered our lives as in the latest two years. Of course, it has always existed. But pandemics pushed harder forward and the concept (not the word only) has become more and more central in both political and institutional agendas – in Europe (let’s think about the foundations on which Next Generation Eu was built) and in Italy (where ecological transition, digitalization and social inclusion are at the core of Pnrr, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan; and with Prime Minister Mario Draghi confirming his commitment to include sustainable development in our Constitution).
A change in which companies play a key role – why? It is simple – by generating economic value each company inevitably has an environmental and social impact, be it small or big. Here comes the need, nowadays an essential one, to measure one’s own sustainability and to be accountable for it towards all people and institutions who are interested (directly or indirectly) in knowing what we do and how we do it. This brings to the sustainability report, which is not only a question of transparency towards one’s own stakeholders. For a company, reporting and so keeping under control its environmental risk means controlling both its reputational and economic risk. A point of view that, if pursued in the medium and long run, helps in getting more business and profits.
Today, the greatest challenge for all companies is committing to the concept of sustainability born in 1987, which goes beyond responsibility – it is an economic, social and environmental commitment. The goal remains the same – making money and generating an economic value. But it is possible to do it while reducing the environment impact, fixing always new and practical aims in order to do things in a different way. New solutions to contribute to sustainable development, at the same time generating new benefits, inside and outside the companies.
Companies that decide to move in a sustainable way and to report it gain reputation and trust, attract investments, improve their competitive advantages and stakeholders’ engagement. Inside them, vision and strategy are improved, with positive effects on employees’ and collaborators’ motivation.