
Salce Collection in Treviso, the exhibition of sustainable posters signed by Guasco and realised with the contribution of Itlas

Until March 17th at the National Museum Collection Salce at Treviso it will be possible to visit the exhibition “Towards the boom! 1950 – 1962”, with the works of advertising graphics that anticipated and represented the economic recovery after the second post-war period.

In addition to this, there is also the monographic exhibition of Riccardo Guasco “Full stop, 100% organic sustainable placards”, staged thanks to the cooperation with Treviso Comic Book Festival and with Itlas’ contribution. Opened on September 28th, the monographic is edited by Nicola Ferrarese – Guasco is among the best interpreters of the illustrated poster and for this reason he chose to include eight among his unpublished works on the theme of sustainability in the exhibition dedicated to the great names of poster art and communication of the Fifties and the early Sixties.

Guasco stages an upheaval similar to that caused in those same years by the new products on the life of the Italian people – revealing the advertising of new and miraculous imaginary objects, all absolutely sustainable, all absolutely organic – from organic shoppers to self-recharging cars, from the zero- impact restaurant to cosmetics not tested on animals, from the breeding of balconies bees to the smart home. 

Themes that have always been dear to Itlas, whose industrial policy since the beginning was careful towards sustainability and human health. 

For any information:

Museo Nazionale Collezione Salce  

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