Environmental Management System, Itlas completes successfully the UNI EN ISO 14001 certification renewal process

The CSI analysis and certification company, following the evaluations carried out in recent months within the company, has renewed Itlas's Environmental Management System certification, in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 standard.
This is an important and accurate assessment tool for testing and improving a company’s environmental performance. The aim is to maintain entrepreneurial competitiveness on the market while combining it with environmental protection and developing it according to the principles of sustainability. The adoption of an Environmental Management System is voluntary.
The company obtained the certification for the first time in 2013, using the POR funding - Regional competitiveness and employment part of the ERDF "European Regional Development Fund" 2007/2013 of the Veneto Region. In 2017 there was the adaptation to the new standard currently in force.