Design together a society that will have to learn to live with epidemics

Open letter from the architects to Mattarella to design together a society that will have to learn to live with epidemics
Among the first to sign it, Architects Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas and Studio Archea
Tomorrow afternoon (24th April) Itlas live Instagram with Marco Casamonti
“Dear Mr President, please listen to us”. This is the beginning of the letter sent to Sergio Mattarella from some of the most renowned and important Italian architects. Among the first, there are some of the most important Itlas’ partners, like Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas and Studio Archea from Florence.
This letter means to be both a call and a reflection, after a month of co-working with medicine and computer experts. It asks to the Head of the State that Italy starts to move on from the emergency of coronavirus to design the future of a society that will be compelled, from now on, to live with the risk of new pandemics. Writing clearly some guidelines which should go on together with politics.
“Health, economics and habitat are inner part of our daily life” states Fuksas during an interview to Ansa. The archistar imagines the houses and hospitals of tomorrow, being more and more connected one with the others. And he designs the new home – it should be fit for a life with more technology and with less mobility than we used to have. ” Houses that throughout these years had been deprived of services and thought of as hotels, while all our activities took place outside”, says Fuksas, who sees the need to design much safer and comfortable homes. Pleasant and connected refuges, but also healthy places where we can stay if we are hill or infected by a virus, so being able to avoid going immediately at the hospital.
At this worshop took part some medical luminaries– Ottavio Alfieri, a surgeon who for twenty years have led the Heart Surgery of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Camillo Ricordi, director of The Diabetes Research Institute and Cell Transplant Center of the University of Miami, Michele Gallucci, director of the Urological Clinic of the Università La Sapienza in Rome.
The first suggestion given by the experts is that of supporting the homes with a survival kit, such as in emergency units - with oxygen suppliers, thermometers, saturimeter and all the technological devices useful to be connected with the nearest sanitary structures.
“Homes” explains Laura Andreini from Archea “will have to become more flexible, with common spaces in each block and, if possible, a whole level that could be used for smart working and smart learning or converted to isolation and assistance for the sick”.
A letter open and rich of suggestion, the one that was sent to Mattarella from the architects. Who are sorry to see that their category is not represented in the Government task force that should organize Phase 2.