
On the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall TEDxTreviso will bring us #BeyondTheWall

The third edition of TEDxTreviso is ready to be performed and again Itlas is sponsoring the independent conference in Treviso, connected to the U.S. brand TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design).  The date is Saturday, November 9th at The Fondazione Cassamarca Auditorium, in the Area Appiani in Treviso – 15 speakers will be on stage and share with the audience their ideas worth spreading

A Saturday that has a great historical relevance, since on November 9th 2019 we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The organizers took the opportunity “to build” a day for pondering on the walls, boundaries and barriers that still occupy our life as both human beings and communities. 

 The key to face the theme in an original way, offering no-commonplace points of views, is in the subheading – Beyond The Wall.

The speakers chosen for this third edition will reveal barriers, which we seldom take into proper consideration and which are part of our life.  Boundaries and walls, however, that sometimes are a necessity and even an enrichment. Languages and idioms keep us apart, but how much poorer would a world be, with one single language? Economic growth and scientific discoveries have brought forth great changes, but how can we make them sustainable, from an ethical and environmental point of view? Walls are part of our life – some of them must be broken down, others can be useful, with some of them simply we must learn to live.

The main characters of the day have different origins and backgrounds. From world famous street artist Tony Gallo to scientist Giuseppe Scionti, who with his invention of 3D meat printer is revolutionizing food industry.  From Paralympic athlete Giusy Versace to the school manager from Caivano, Eugenia Carfora, who struggles against school dropout in a land where the mob seems to be the only opportunity for the young people. And more: the neuro immunologist Maria Teresa Ferretti, the director of Revolut Southern Europe Elena Lavezzi, BMW Italia’s director for Institutional relations and Communication Roberto Olivi, the entrepreneur Gian Luca Comandini, Scuola Holden C.E.O. and sports manager Mauro Berruto, the founder and president of the Foundation Beyond the Labyrinth Onlus Mario Paganessi, the journalist, human rights activist and candidate for Nobel Peace Prize 2018 Enzo Cursio, the creator of the channel Human Safari Nicolò Balini and the band Bermuda Acoustic Trio. Last but not least, Giovanni Mori, one of the leaders of FridaysForFuture Italy, evidence of the place the organizers wanted to devote to the delicate theme of climate change and the commitment of the new generations for a more sustainable world. 

Science, art, medicine, technology, environment protection. These are only some of the directions the speakers for TEDxTreviso 2019 are coming from. They will be witnesses of the fact that in every facet of our life there are boundaries or walls. Walls to be built, walls to be fought, walls to be reckoned. 

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